The training activities are divided in workshops and online course.

The training activities are aimed at a very specific target: teachers, trainers, educators working with teenagers.

Specifically, a total of 28 teachers will be selected: 14 from Italy and 14 from Bulgaria.
These 28 teachers will participate in both the online course and the workshops to be held in Italy and Bulgaria.


Raise awareness and train educators, making them adequately capable of managing situations of violence and
intolerance against LGBT+ students in class.
We aim to:
● promote knowledge on sexual orientation and gender identity issues, starting from the experiences already carried out in schools and the training needs of teachers;
● stimulate the ability of teachers to observe and intervene at various levels on the phenomenon of homo-bi-transphobic bullying;
● create a welcoming atmosphere within the school towards students who are questioning their sexual identity;
● foster students’ awareness in relation to affectivity and sexuality, improving relations within classrooms;
● acquire tools, including terminological ones, on sexual identity and LGBT+ people;
● develop tools for the observation and prevention of homo-bi-transphobic bullying.

online course

Contents: syllabus




I lesson 19/11/2022

1¾ hour

Introduction of AGEDO and ADELE;

Introduction of the trainers and the participants;

Introduction of the project and its goals;

Presentation of the programme and, in particular of the online lessons;

Discussion of the group’s expectations and the training agreement.

½ hour


1¾ hour

Sexual identity and its four components:

biological sex, gender identity, gender expression or role, sexual orientation;

Biological sex, with a focus on intersex.

II lesson 26/11/2022

1¾ hour

Gender identity, with a focus on transgenderism.

½ hour


1¾ hour

Gender roles and sociocultural aspects that are related to a stereotypical adherence to gender.

III lesson 03/12/2022

1¾ hour

Sexual orientation, with specific attention to homo-bisexuality.

½ hour


1¾ hour

Coming out in the family, at school, in social society: the stages and the difficulties experienced by homosexual and trans people;

Levels of visibility.

IV lesson 14/01/2023

1¾ hour

Homo-lesbo-bi-transphobic bullying; its difference from other forms of bullying and hate speech that happen in schools and other settings.

½ hour


1¾ hour

Minority stress and intersectionality.

V lesson


1¾ hour

Same-sex families.

½ hour


1¾ hour

Best practices for inclusion, alias career, and being active allies.

VI lesson 11/02/2023

1¾ hour

Legal frameworks in the two countries concerning couple’s rights, parenting, safety and gender recognition.

½ hour


1¾ hour

Legal frameworks in the two countries concerning couple’s rights, parenting, safety and gender recognition.


Contents: syllabus




I workshop



8 hours on the same day

Management of the coming out: in the family, at school and at work;

First-hand witnesses: parents and homo-lesbo-bi-trans youths.


8 hours on the same day

Bullying prevention and management;

First-hand witnesses: victims, school psychologists and teachers.

II workshop



8 hours on the same day

Management of the coming out: in the family, at school and at work;

First-hand witnesses: parents and homo-lesbo-bi-trans youths.


8 hours on the same day